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Judith Ploegman (1976, Hellendoorn) grew up in Twente with six brothers and sisters. She did social pedagogical work in Almelo and Zwolle, obtained her propaedeutic certificate in creative therapy in Leeuwarden and studied philosophy at the VU University in Amsterdam. After living there for a long period, she moved to Texel with her son in 2015. There she works as an independent entrepreneur.

Judith writes personally and narratively, she outlines the atmosphere and takes the narrator seriously. She likes to listen to people who are not heard for granted. In her current work, these are often children.

Judith is curious and eager to learn and is always looking for ways to broaden and deepen her skills. She recently took courses in moderation, photography, concept development and film techniques, teaching skills and painting techniques.

She is attached to the sea, likes to be outdoors and loves poetry, literature and superheroes. In a previous life she was the first young person and the first pregnant woman to be a member of the Social and Economic Council. She then worked as chairman of FNV Jong.


For the Texelse Courant I record a podcast every two weeks with an overview of the news of the week. As an experiment I also made a number of podcasts about art under the title Art of the Island.


Since the beginning of 2022 I have been working together with the culture coordinator on Texel, Maurice Christo van Meijel, as an ambassador for (visual) storytelling and I give film lessons on behalf of Filmhub Noord-Holland. They supply the film box, a large orange box containing iPads, microphones and tripods, and I provide lessons at primary and secondary schools with those materials. I taught, among other things, to primary school students at the Jozefschool in Den Burg, to HAVO students from the Berger School community and to pre-vocational secondary education students from Clusius College in Castricum. Next school year I will again give a series of lessons - to students and teachers - and I will moderate the IDFA Junior program for school classes in a number of North Holland film houses.

I like to teach children about storytelling, how to make and interpret news, how to let films, photos and other works of art speak for themselves. In my lessons I integrate citizenship skills, as it is so modernly called: learning to postpone judgment, researching sources, learning to analyze what you see and increasing the social skills to deal with the views of others and thus gain new insights. I am a committed, flexible, warm and enthusiastic teacher. Previously I also gave private writing lessons to children and creative workshops.

Would you like to know more about film education, cultural education in general or about film lessons?

Send an email to me, to Maurice Christo van Meijel for Texel

or to Jet Smit, regional coordinator for Filmhub Noord-Holland.


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